2016 Fall Newsletter

Membership Meetings

Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month. Please try to attend & offer your voice & ideas. This is your club!  Meet your fellow enthusiasts.  Next meetings: 9/19, 10/17, 11/21, 12/19 @ 7:30 pm.  Come on an empty stomach, there is always a good meal afterwards. $2 beers!! 50/50 raffle!!

Fund Raiser: $5 Gun Raffle

  • Mike Brown has volunteered to be chairman of our $5 Gun Raffle. Should you have any questions or need tickets his number is 548-4940. Tickets should always be available at the club. Tickets are now available for our drawing to be held on November 21st. First prize is a 243 Winchester Bolt Action or $500 cash. Second and third prizes are $50 and $25 respectively. Profits benefit DEC Camp and building maintenance. Only 500 tickets are available. So let’s try and sell them all.


  • Hopefully everyone has received their dues invoices and dues are paid up. If you haven’t received your notice please contact Dave Brooks at 649-8762.
  • Membership applications can be printed from the BVCS web site http://bostonvalleycs.com.  Dave Brooks, our membership chairman, may be reached at 649-8792 or email at daveb45cal[at]yahoo[dot]com.

What's happening @ your club?


Our fall House Pistol League begins on Thursday, September 29th. As usual, there will be three relays; 6pm, 7pm, and 8pm. Please see the complete schedule at the end of the Newsletter.

Open Pistol Shooting

Tuesday nights; doors open @ 7pm. Members’ range fee is $4 and nonmembers’ fee is $8 per night. All are welcome but we encourage frequent non-members to become members and support the club. Please be aware that non-members must fill out a one-time waiver. Forms are on hand at the range.

Trap League

Fall trap? Are you serious? It's still in the high 80's, with very high humidity suited to summer shooting.  Alas, it is September & actual fall is only 2 weeks away, so follow through we must!  3 weeks into the league there are 32 shooters, so far, compared to 41 for the fall league last year, with hopefully more to follow. All shooters have until the 22nd of Sept. to sign up for our league. Things have gone fairly well so far with enough of the weekly faithful coming out to keep the well oiled machine we call the BVCS trap program running with only minor distractions. Thank you to those people!  As stated earlier, there is still time to get involved. Thanks; Trap Person.

Suburban Pistol

We’ll be starting again on Wednesday, October 5th. The complete schedule can be found at the end of the Newsletter.

BVCS Light Rifle & Heavy Rifle Matches

Spring 2017 Schedule, Matches using .22 cal rim fire rifles & air rifles.

  • Shooting position is off-hand standing with the target 50 feet.
  • The sport is designed so that expensive special equipment is NOT required.
  • It is possible to be competitive with equipment you may already own.
  • There is a maximum weight on scoped or open sight guns of 8.5 pounds for
  • Light Rifle, any heavier would be considered Heavy Rifle.
  • We will have 2 classes of competitors: Light Rifle & Heavy Rifle.
  • Slings or other devices that provide artificial support are not allowed.
  • A match consists of one completed target with 30 record shots per target.
  • Each target has two sighter targets & ten record targets with three shots on each.
  • Shooters are given 5 min.for sighters.
  • Shooters are given 40 min.for record shots on 10 bulls.
  • Target used is the NRA Official Light Rifle Target A-32 (2 together)
  • A perfect match score is 300.
  • Registration and a one time weigh in of each rifle is required before shooting the matches.
  • Cost per match is $4.00 ( paid before shooting )
  • A prepay $40.00 for 8 matches to secure a time slot and range position is available. Any additional scores would be $4.00
  • You may shoot ahead or behind for all dates.
  • You may shoot unlimited matches & your top 8 scores will be for record.
  • Prizes based on number of competitors.
  • Pizza Party : April 19th after the matches


MARCH: 1,8,15,22,29 APRIL: 5,13,19

Relays : 6pm, 7pm, 8pm

REMINDER: non-members MUST sign insurance waiver forms REMINDER: you may compete in BOTH Light & Heavy Rifle matches but required to pay $4.00 for each match REMINDER: shooting positions are on a first come paid basis unless you are a prepay $40.00 for 8 weeks reserving a time slot and range position. ANY questions call : Jerry or Betty Dobson at 867-4814

Air Pistol

The 2016 air pistol began on Wednesdays in August. Air Pistol League times will be relays at 6 pm, 7 pm, and 8 pm. Also, a prepay of $40 will secure a time slot and range position for the 8 weeks. Walk in is still $4 but only the 6 pm and 8 pm are available at this time. Cost is $4 per relay. Pellets are available to purchase as needed. If you need to borrow an air pistol please call prior to the match, 867-4814. Distance is 33 feet.  After sighter shots, 40 shots are taken for the record. Dates are as follows: Aug. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Sept. 7, 14, 21 Pizza party will be held after the match on Sept. 21st.

2017 Schedule *Relay starts at 6pm, 7pm, 8pm on Wednesdays

  • Cost is $4.00 to shoot per score
  • A prepay $40.00 for 8 weeks will secure a time slot and range position
  • Any additional scores would be $4.00 ( unlimited shoots- top 8 scores used)
  • Pellets available to purchase as needed
  • If you need to borrow an air pistol ( call 1st) 867-4814
  • Distance is 33 feet. Sighters shots & 40 shots for record.
  • DATES: August. 2,9,16,23,30
  • September. 6,13,20 Pizza party after the matches on the 20th
  • Any questions call Jerry & Betty Dobson 867-4814

Young Guns

For information on Young Guns contact Howard Hoelscher at 649-3432.

2017 Lottery Calendar Raffle

Our new orange 2017 Calendars are available at the club. This is a fantastic fund raiser for the club and could even be better if we have a sellout. Calendars are a $20 donation with an opportunity to win every day in 2017. Your number may come in more than once. Winners are based on the PA evening 3 digit lottery number. You do not have to watch the numbers. Checks will automatically be mailed out at the end of each month. There will be an Early Bird drawing for paid tickets returned by November 10, 2016. They make great gifts.

Clubhouse Rental

The clubhouse will be used by one of our members on Friday, October 7th.


We try to keep the website as current as possible.  Please check it out as it has a calendar of events posted as well as the newsletter and other information. https://bostonvalleycs.com


The next Newsletter will be out in early January. The deadline for information will be December 31st, 2016. Please email information you would like to have published, or to add or remove your email address please email Mary Beth Rosiek at rosiek56[at]gmail[dot]com. Copies of the current Newsletter are available at the club or on the website.


Erie County SCOPE Chapter holds monthly meetings every 3rd Thursday of the month. Meetings begin at 7pm at ‘The Chicken Coop’, VFW Post 8113, 299 Lydecker Rd. in West Seneca. Located at the intersection where East & West Rd. ends at Lydecker.

Erie County Chapter

Carl Leas Chairman carlpride[at]msn.com 716-656-0350

Herb Berry, Treasurer hsberry1[at]localnet.com 716-825-4174

Frain Boncore, Secretary frankboncore[at]hotmail.com 716-674-3523

Please show your support for your 2nd amendment rights with your membership to the NRA and SCOPE. There are many links through these organizations to support your gun rights. Be pro-active in contacting your politicians.