2012 4th Quarter Newsletter

Membership Meetings

Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month. Please try to attend & offer your voice & ideas. This is your club! Meet your fellow enthusiasts.

Next meetings: 9/17, 10/15, 11/19, 12/17 @ 7:30 pm. Come on an empty stomach, there is always a good meal afterwards. $1 beers!! 50/50 raffle!!

Fund Raiser: $5 Gun Raffle

  • Tickets will be available at the 9/17 meeting for the next gun raffle which will be held at the 12/17 meeting. The last winner chose the cash so we will be offering the same AR-15.
  • Prizes: Choice of one: Bushmaster AR-15 M4 .223 carbine or $500 CASH
  • See Jim Bugenhagen @ the club
  • We will only be selling 500 tickets.
  • Remember each member is required to sell at least 2 tickets. Please return unsold tickets in a timely manner so all tickets can be sold by Dec. 17th.


  • Membership applications can be printed from the BVCS web site http://bostonvalleycs.com and sent to Joe Jemiolo.
  • Dues are due now. Please get your payment to Joe Jemiolo 4898 Langford Rd., North Collins 14111 before Oct.1st to avoid a $10 late charge.

What's happening @ your club?


We will be electing 3 new board members at the September 17th meeting. Please give some consideration to serving your club. Thanks to Joe Jemiolo, Rick Pruzak, and Scott Klubek for their dedicated service on the BVCS Board.

Trap League

Fall Trap League is under way, shooting Thursdays and Sundays. The schedule is posted at the club and on the website.


Suburban Pistol League begins on Wed., Oct. 3rd. See attached schedule at the end of this newsletter.  You can also check the schedule on the website. Fall Indoor Pistol League begins on Thurs., Sept. 27th. See attached schedule at the end of this newsletter. You can also check the schedule on the website.

Open Shooting

Tuesday nights; doors open @ 7pm. $3 for members and $5 for non-members. Bring a friend.

Air Pistol

We’ll be shooting Air Pistol on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 7 pm. The schedule is 9/24, 10/8, 10/22, 11/12, 11/26, 12/10. The cost is $4 per night. If you would like to try Air Pistol and don’t have equipment or have questions call Jerry and Betty Dobson at 867-4814. For an additional $2 they can provide you with a loaner air pistol and pellets. It’s a lot of fun, good practice, and a pistol permit is not required.

Young Guns

Have resumed meeting on the first Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. Contact Howard Hoelscher at 649-3432 if you need more information.

Sporter Rifle

Will resume in the spring.

Free Pistol

Look for next fall/winter schedule in a later newsletter

  • 60 shots for score but time is given for sighter shots
  • Any 22 LR pistol with open sights is allowed
  • Any questions in regards to Air Pistol or Free Pistol see Betty or Jerry Dobson or call 648-2205 or 867-4814 for more information


Our website has been recently updated. Please check it out as it has a calendar of events posted as well as the newsletter and other information. https://bostonvalleycs.com. Information that a member wishes to be included in the quarterly newsletter should be emailed to Mary Beth Rosiek at rosiek56[at]gmail[dot]com. The deadline for the next newsletter information is Jan. 10, 2013.  Emails needed for the newsletter – If you wish to receive the newsletter via email please send your email address to rosiek56[at]gmail[dot]com to be added to the list of contacts. Copies of the current newsletter are available at the club.


Please show your support for your 2nd amendment rights with your membership to the NRA and SCOPE. There are many links through these organizations to support your gun rights. Be pro-active in contacting your politicians.

2012 Fall Pistol League

Dear Pistol Shooters,

I am planning on starting the fall league on September 27, 2012 with the first relay beginning at 6pm, a second starting at 7pm and a third relay starting at 8pm.

Tuesday will be open shooting only with Thursday reserved for league shooting.

Each week two national matches per relay will be shot for score at the 25 yard line. You can shoot one gun (22 cal.) or two guns (22 cal. and C.F.) for a score each week.

Come out, have fun and shoot the league. It will be greate to see you again. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 337-3555 or e-mail cwfjr45[at]gmail[dot]com.